
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello there! My name is Kalyssa Safley.

I bet you are wanting to know a little bit about me, so I thought I would do 5 facts about me!

1. Over the last four years, while I was in high school, I have been heavily involved in FFA and NHS. I joined FFA as a freshman and began exploring all that the organization had to offer. Little did I know that it would turn out to be one of the best decisions! I have met so many incredible people through the organization and learned so much about the agricultural industry. As for NHS, I joined as soon as I could (which is sophomore year at my school) and got involved serving my community through volunteer opportunities. I am so thankful for all the incredible opportunities high school has given me.

2. I have moved several times in my lifetime, but currently I am living in Idaho. I absolutely love it here it Idaho as there are so many fun things to do! Some of my favorite local activities include white water rafting, hiking Table Rock, riding dirt bikes, and going for drives while cranking the music. I am always ready to try something new! 

3. I am the oldest in my family. I have two younger brothers who are 3 and 6 years younger than me. They both definitely keep me on my toes. I also live with my parents and our 2 dogs and 1 cat. 

4. One of my hobbies is photography! It is something fun I do on the side. I picked up the hobby through classes at school, but I got the photography bug from my mom and my grandpa. Both of which have really nice cameras and that inspired me to get one of my own and start learning.

5.My faith is super important to me! I have grown up in a Christian home and accepted Christ into my heart at a young age. Although, my faith didn’t become my own until middle school. Ever since middle school God has continued to grow me and shape me to be more like him with each and everyday. One of the big things that my faith has given me is a desire to serve others! I have felt called to the missions field for a long time and am so excited to have been called to go on the World Race! 

So there is a little about me! If you have any questions or would like to get coffee, let me know! I would love to get to know you!